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Common Mistakes To Avoid When Hiring A Business Lawyer

A law office image, with bookshelves, a scale, and the words "Venerable Law".

You’ll find over 1.3 million lawyers in this country, but they don’t all focus on the same branches of law. Instead, each one might specialize in one or two fields. If you need a business lawyer, you’ll need to make sure you find one that offers this expertise.

Many people make mistakes when hiring lawyers for legal services. Do you want to avoid making mistakes when hiring one?

If so, continue reading this guide to learn about the common mistakes people make when choosing an attorney. As you learn these, you’ll know what mistakes to avoid.

Choosing a Personal Friend

Business lawyers provide essential services to all business kinds and sizes, yet you need the right lawyer for your needs. One common mistake some people make is hiring a personal friend.

If you have a friend who works as a business lawyer, you might hire them simply because you know them. While this works fine in some cases, it can be a huge problem in other cases.

When choosing a business lawyer, you might want to avoid hiring someone you know personally. As the saying goes, you shouldn’t mix business with pleasure.

When you hire a friend as your lawyer, it can create problems. For example, what happens when the lawyer doesn’t perform as you expected? Would you be able to approach your friend to talk about it?

If you hire a friend, it can create problems with the friendship. So as tempting as it might be to hire someone you know, you should consider avoiding this by choosing a person you don’t know personally.

Waiting Too Long to Hire One

Another common mistake when hiring a business attorney is waiting too long before hiring one. You might need a lawyer’s advice about a situation, but you might procrastinate with hiring one.

Waiting too long can create additional problems. When you face legal issues, it’s better to handle them swiftly instead of pushing them off.

For example, if you want to sue someone, you could forfeit your right to do this by waiting too long. States have statute of limitations laws to prevent people from waiting too long.

These laws give victims a stated timeframe to file legal charges. If you don’t act fast enough, you waive your right to sue.

Statute of limitations laws aren’t the only risk of waiting too long. When you fail to seek legal help for any issue when you need it, you could face the consequences.

For example, if your business faces a major threat, you won’t want to hesitate in getting legal help. Instead, you’ll need the best business lawyer now to help you.

When businesses face threats or experience tough situations, they might need legal advice for a business continuity plan. Without a lawyer, you might not know how to do this or what options you have.

Failing to Research the Lawyer’s Experience and Reputation

The next mistake to be aware of is hiring a business lawyer without researching their experience and reputation. When you have a business legal need, you need the right attorney to help you.

Therefore, you might want to begin by researching the lawyer’s services. What services do they offer? Do they offer the service you need?

If so, do they have experience with that legal service? You can learn a lot by reading reviews about lawyers. Through this, you can learn about a lawyer’s reputation, quality, personality, and costs.

For example, if you want to start a business, you’ll need legal advice about your options with business structures.

You won’t want to hire an attorney without any experience with this particular service. Instead, you’ll want one that has years of experience helping people start businesses.

If you need assistance with business litigation, you’ll want a lawyer who knows how to litigate. The best way to learn how to litigate is through experience doing it.

Skipping the Interview Process

Additionally, some business owners hire attorneys without even interviewing them. How can you know if it’s the right fit if you don’t talk to the lawyer?

While you can talk to a lawyer over the phone to learn a lot about them, meeting with them in person is the better option. Meeting in person gives you the chance to see the lawyers and their offices.

You can see how well they communicate and how professional they are. You can ask questions and show them documents. You can gauge their personality, experience, and knowledge during your initial meeting.

When you take the time to interview a lawyer, you’ll find one that is a good fit. In fact, this will help you find the right one. When you hire them, you can let them handle one service for you.

If you like the results, you may have the lawyer you’ll use for your future legal needs. On the other hand, if you aren’t happy with the services, you can start looking for a new one to hire.

Forgetting to Negotiate the Fees

Many people don’t realize that they can negotiate legal fees. Because of this, they hire lawyers and wait for the bills to come in before paying them.

If you have a lot of business legal matters that you need help with, talk to the lawyer about the fees. Many law firms are willing to negotiate, especially when customers have a lot of legal matters to address.

If you don’t ask about this, you won’t have the option of negotiating. Therefore, you can avoid this common mistake by discussing the fees upfront with the lawyer you choose.

Avoid These Mistakes When Hiring a Business Lawyer

When you need a business lawyer, you’ll want to take your time to find the right one. As you search, you can avoid the mistakes listed here, which might help you find the best one.

If you’re located in Tampa, FL, and need a business lawyer, call us at Venerable Law. We offer top-notch legal services for all your business needs.
