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Business Contracts Attorney in Tampa Bay

Providing Clients With Solid Legal Advice to Protect Their Business Transactions

As a business owner, you already understand the value of solid business contracts to protect your rights and those of the other parties involved in transactions. However, poorly written contracts often can lead to disputes and possible litigation.

Contract disputes cause businesses to lose precious time and money. If the dispute revolves around employment contracts, it could damage your business’s standing in the community.

For these reasons, regardless of whether you have a contract dispute or simply need to negotiate a business agreement, you must have an experienced contract lawyer to assist you with your legal needs.

Venerable Law of Tampa Bay has extensive experience helping clients deal with all contract-related practice area issues and would be honored to help you resolve your issues.

Contact our law firm and ask to schedule a free initial consultation so that we may evaluate your case and determine what legal strategies may be available.

What are the Various Types of Business Contracts?

Although there are many business contracts that business owners may deal with, several are more common than others. It is important to remember that an agreement must exist between two or more parties to be considered a contract.

There are three categories that business owners should be aware of which include:

General Business Contracts

General business contracts have to deal with the issues related to running the business. Some standard general business contracts include partnership agreements, lease or property agreements, and non-disclosure agreements designed to prevent third parties from revealing confidential information about the company.

Sales-Related Contracts

Sales-related contracts deal with any purchases or sales the business makes daily. Some examples include security agreements or purchase orders, which are legally binding and obligate owners to buy predetermined goods.

Employment Contracts

As the name suggests, employment contracts relate to issues pertaining to employees who perform services for the business. Some standard contracts include general employment and non-compete agreements. General employment contracts outline the terms and conditions pertaining to hiring employees, along with their salaries, benefits, and possible reasons for termination. Non-compete agreements establish when employees may not engage in work that competes with the company after an employee leaves their employment.

For more detailed information about the different types of contracts used in business settings, contact Venerable Law to schedule a meeting with our knowledgeable business lawyer.

What is Breach of Contract?

Florida law stipulates that a breach of contract occurs when one party to a contract fails to meet their contractual obligations. If two parties have a valid business contract and one of the parties does not live up to their contractual obligations, the other party may be entitled to file a breach of contract claim.

In a business context, some examples of a breach of contract include:

  • Failure to deliver expected goods or services.
  • Failure to complete the job.
  • Failure to make a payment.
  • Performance was below the agreed standards between the two parties.

However, to successfully win a breach of contract claim, specific legal elements must exist, which include:

  • There was a valid contract between the two parties.
  • The terms of the contract were breached.
  • The breach of contract resulted in one party suffering damages.

Suppose you believe that another party you do business with breached their contract. In that case, you must speak with an experienced business attorney who can thoroughly review your case and determine if legal action is appropriate.

What Legal Services Does a Business Contract Attorney Provide to Clients?

Business contract attorneys can evaluate, negotiate, or draft legally binding agreements that meet their client’s needs and are in accordance with state law. Contract attorneys will ensure that contracts are in writing, avoid ambiguity, and minimize liability.

Anyone considering entering into a written contract should consult a contract lawyer to understand their role, rights, and responsibilities clearly. An essential part of entering into a contract is understanding all the terms and conditions associated with the agreement to ensure there are no hidden clauses that could result in problems for either party.

If you are considering a start-up company, a contract lawyer can create essential agreements such as operating agreements, perform tasks such as obtaining an employer identification number (EIN),) and act as your registered agent who will receive all official state and federal communications for your business.

Finally, suppose a business is forced to deal with a breach of contract. In that case, a contract lawyer can help your business take legal action and, if necessary, take the matter to court to rectify the situation.

Venerable Law of Tampa, Florida, has an experienced legal team with comprehensive experience helping clients with all aspects of contract law. Contact our law firm today to learn more about the legal services we provide to clients.

Why Should I Choose Your Business Contracts Attorney to Help Me With My Legal Needs?

Suppose you are considering a new business enterprise with another person or need help with business contracts. In that case, hiring a business attorney to assist you with your legal needs is always in your best interests.

Well-written business contracts are legally binding and should serve as a guide to the continuous development of your business structure. Whether you are a small business or a corporation, Venerable Law has the experience and skills necessary to obtain favorable results for your organization.

Often, other business lawyers treat clients like a number and only focus on profits. Instead, our legal team centers our practice on helping businesses save money and avoid potential litigation by crafting custom-tailored legal documents that protect them and spell out the other party’s expectations in simple terms.

For these reasons, before signing contracts, you must consult with an experienced business contract lawyer who works to safeguard your interests.

Contact Venerable Law at our Tampa, Florida office by calling 813-680-4530 and ask to schedule a free, no-obligation consultation to learn what legal strategies may be available.